Cargo Packaging

Before importing or exporting goods, please check whether their packaging meets the following requirements.

All packaging material with a thickness exceeding 6 mm made of untreated wood originating in third countries other than the Swiss Confederation shall be:

made of round, debarked wood
subjected to one of the treatments specified in the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM 15)
bearing a mark in accordance with the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM 15), containing:
XX – two-letter ISO code, country of origin (e.g. CN; Germany – DE)
000 – manufacturer’s code
YY – code of the treatment used (e.g. heat treatment HT, chamber drying – KD, fumigation – MB, impregnation – CPI) and
logo consistent with the model included in Annex II to the International Standard on Phytosanitary Measures (the logo until December 31, 2007 does not apply to wooden packaging manufactured or processed before March 1, 2005)